Move over Spotify – why not discover new music with a hundred strangers? Picture: Taro Zaine

Pitchblack Playback: An immersive deep listening music experience 

Listen to your favourite album with a cinema sound system and a blindfold

Sit back, relax and listen to your favourite music album through a cinematic sound system while blindfolded, unlocking all your other senses.

Pitchblack Playback is a deep listening immersive experience founded in 2006 by Ben Gomori, a DJ, producer and radio host.

Since then, Pitchblack Playback has gone global, offering listening sessions in the USA, across Europe, New Zealand and Japan. The main venues in London are Riverside studios in Hammersmith and The Castle Cinema in Homerton in Hackney.

There are a few rules that people attending should abide by. Listeners are told they must not sing or rap along to the music, or chat to the person next to them. Phones are forbidden during the experience. Anyone who does not abide by these rules could be thrown out.

Two listeners wait for their album to begin. Picture: Taro Zaine

Tony Simpson, 56, went solo to his first Pitchblack Playback deep listening experience in Homerton to listen to one of his favourite albums Madvilliany by Madvillian, aka MF Doom, and says that it helped him appreciate the songs on the album that he hadn’t given enough attention to before. “You end up listening to the same tracks, the ones that you like, so when you tune in usually on Spotify, you know when they’re coming and some of the songs in between you don’t give the time they deserve and in here you can fully appreciate those underappreciated songs,” he says.

“In here you can fully appreciate those underappreciated songs.”

Tony says by coming solo he was able to just zone into the music with no distractions. “It’s great because you’re sitting with people but you can’t talk. There’s no pressure to interact with people during the album but at the same time you can meet others in the bar afterwards and talk about the experience,” he says.

Because of this absence of pressure, you can sink right into your comfy chair and let the music freely take over your body. You can bob your head to the beat without the embarrassment of somebody seeing you.

Tune in and clock out at Pitchblack Playback. Picture: Taro Zaine

Valere Demlier, 27, has been to Pitchblack Playback twice and although he came with his girlfriend this time, he says that when he came solo, he was able to fully shut himself off from distractions around him but this time he was thinking about his girlfriend during the album and couldn’t focus as strongly on the experience.

Valere says, “I would definitely like to go solo to this event again. I think I am almost worrying or thinking about my girlfriend while listening to the music this time and I think if I came solo again, I could really focus on the experience.”

“The core of Pitchblack Playback is the music, the darkness and a good sound system.”

Pitchblack Playback organiser and musical artist Alex Rose, aka Every Rose, says, “I think it’s such an incredible thing that appeals to people and I think Ben [Gomori] has done such a good job of building the connections with different cinemas and venues over time.” He continues, “I think over time more and more people have discovered the experience through their love for different albums.

“But the core of Pitchblack Playback is the music, the darkness and a good sound system. That alone is the main magic of it all, the rest is great but that is the cherry on top.”

Want to join in?

You can find out how to buy tickets for upcoming Pitchblack Playback events on their website.