The hit TV show One Day tells the story of two students who, after meeting on graduation night in the late 80s, spend their lives intertwined in a decade-spanning love story. While the viewer is left wondering for much of the show if the two are ‘One Day’ going to get on with it, you’ll also be frequently reminded of the serious drip people were wearing back in the eighties and nineties. Both Dexter Mayhew (Leo Woodall) and Emma Morley (Ambika Mod) display effortless style throughout the decades, reflecting their characters current state.
The Look: Dexter Mayhew
The white short-sleeve silk shirt
Dexter comes from a very wealthy, upper-class background, which is evident in his style. In episode two of the show, he is living his best life in Rome, strolling through the streets dressed to the nines wearing a loose satin short-sleeved shirt, which is a classic for any Italian holiday.
On Vinted and Depop I got the best results by typing in ‘men’s white silk short-sleeved shirt’ and looking out for brands like COS, forét, or Neutrale. The look also works with most other colour shirts as well, just make sure they don’t fit too tight or you lose that effortless relaxed summer look.
The khaki pants and belt
Dex pairs the shirt with wide, pinstriped khaki pants, completing the look with a classic brown leather belt. We found the best results for the pants by searching “mens sailor boating pleated kaki chinos” and by looking out for brands like Ronning, and Abercrombie and Fitch. The tasteful but laidback style is perfect for a hot day in Italy in 1989.
The combination of a loose short-sleeved shirt and khaki is easily re-creatable nowadays. Most vintage stores, online and offline, will have either of these items.
The Look: Emma
The yellow linen top
In the first episode, the day after spending their university ball night together in 1988, Emma wears a bright yellow sleeveless linen top, which is simple yet elegant and perfect for the upcoming British summertime. We got the best results for the shirt on Vinted by simply searching ‘yellow sleeveless linen shirt’ and looking out for brands like Hobbs, Verlinne or Benneton.
The Levi’s and belt
She combines the shirt with a simple pair of relaxed fit jeans, likely a pair of Levi’s 501; a classic. This look is also timeless, you could probably spot the combo in a photo from your parent’s Uni days, although it’s equally as stylish now. The Levi’s 501’s are a no-brainer and if you don’t already have a pair, you can easily find the wardrobe staple in just about any vintage shop or market.
She ties the whole outfit together with a wide brown leather belt with a gold buckle. The belt is easiest found on Vinted and can be great to give a simple outfit like this one a little pizazz.
The Scrunchie
Emma’s red scrunchie is so on trend, it could be taken right out of strawberry girl summer 2024. Our recommendation here is the brand Good Squish, which although not vintage, makes high quality scrunchies by hand. They have a wide selection of colours and designs, so you can channel Emma while still sticking to your own preferred colour palette.
Both of these outfits are timeless due to their simple and effortless look. Every item can be easily combined, which makes them essentials for any wardrobe, no matter how small. The most important thing when buying either piece is making sure that they’re your size, so when you’re out shopping in your local vintage store or charity shop, make sure you try on a few to get the perfect fit.
Send us pictures of your recreated looks on Instagram to @snatchmagazine_
Pictures: Netflix