

Do you ever feel like your twenties are boring and you have been stuck in the shadow of an ongoing global pandemic, various restrictions, and a lack of ability to freely travel without taking a bunch of tests or spending days in isolation? Suddenly you realise, you are passing another year of the most chaotic decade of your life sitting at home and binging on Netflix.

But what if we told you that there is a very easy way of improving certain areas in your life so you could be living the best life you have been dreaming of? The best part is that you can do it from the comfort of your own bedroom!

We are talking about the Vision Board – a collection of images that represent your dreams and goals and allow you to manifest them into reality.

VB by Ugne
VB by Ugne

There is still a lack of psychological research done surrounding the topic of vision boards and the success behind them. But according to Psychology Today, a vision board ‘can help us more easily reach our goals due to how vision boards help us gain self-awareness and self-reflect on what is important to us’. Although it is crucial to understand that vision boards are not magic but rather a tool helping us to visualise our desires better. ‘Many of the components of vision boarding have potential benefits for our well-being and success.’ This means that someone who is struggling with motivation could definitely benefit from having a vision board.

To figure out how to make a vision board, more importantly, how to make your vision board work we decided to invite an expert and a long-time vision board user TWENTYSOMETHING Ria who shared her story of success.

Photo by @riamcbarrons

Picking the topic of your VB

The most important part of the vision board is deciding what it’s going to be about. Some choose to have a board for a career, others have a dream home or travelling boards but most people choose to create a board for the whole year. This means that you must pick all the things you want to have, do or achieve during a period of that year.

When Ria, 26, first started her manifestation journey a few years ago, she desired material things and made a board that represented such things as money, shopping, and beauty procedures. However, Ria claims that while it did make her happy at the time but didn’t seem to fulfil her deepest desires. But, when Ria walked into the 2020 new year as a newly divorced mom of two, she made the decision to make a board that would help her manifest such goals as building her dream career and her business, gaining financial success, and paying off her massive debt. However, Ria mentions ‘you must pick goals you are sure that you are able to achieve’.

 Creating your VB

The fun part is making an actual board that will change your life forever!

Like many TikTok personalities demonstrate, vision boards can be created in various different ways. Some choose to have s psychical board with printed images and quotes, others use their IPad or simply create a board on their Pinterest account.

TikTok by @nitsanraiter

Ria felt like the best way to make her dreams come true was to make a physical board. She chose a wooden board that she could hang on the wall. She then picked various pictures of her desires from the internet and printed them in order to be able to pin them on the board. Ria carefully decided which goals should go to which part of the board. At last, she hung the board at the place in her home where it was most visible to her and started her new journey of achieving everything she wanted.

Turning visions into reality:

Although creating a board can be very fun, ‘the biggest thing keeping people from attracting their dreams is worrying about their past or their future’, says Thrive Lounge founder Chantl. A vision board is completely useless if there is no action being done by the person themselves or if they are surrounded by a fear of failure.

As Ria says, only actions brought her to where she is now. She did not only start to imagine her desires, but she also worked hard every day in order to make her dreams come true. She took a course to become a fitness instructor and she worked day after day to gain the financial success she was craving. Most importantly she worked on her mental health in order to get over her heartbreaking divorce from her ex-husband.


The sweetest part is when you look back at your vision board a year later and you realise that most of the things you really wanted are now yours.

Photo by @riamcbarrons

In the case of Ria’s story, she actually managed to manifest most of her biggest desires. ‘The goals I was able to achieve in the last couple of years were absolutely crazy’, says Ria who managed to build her business and become a fitness instructor following her dream career. She also got promoted four times in a period of four months which led to massive financial success allowing her to fully pay her debt and live the life she and her family deserve.

Now Ria has set herself a new set of goals such as a four-bedroom house, visiting the United States, going to Disneyland, and even getting some baby goats as pets!

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