glam squad

8 fundamentals to becoming a fabulous queen


Now, primer and foundation are also essentials because they make up the entire skins’ appearance. Primer is important because its use offers smoothness and a prolonged wear-time to your foundation, which, in turn, covers the rest of your visible brows, banishes all blemishes and imperfections, and lastly, gives your skin a flawless look and shine. It’s an absolute must-have when going up in drag.  Dermacol Make-Up Cover is a waterproof, full coverage foundation (that doesn’t need a primer if you’d like to leave it out for this time) and that will leave your skin well balanced with a velvety matt appearance. “Wow, is all I can say,” says YouTube Star and queen Micheal Finch, “it’s definitely got the approval tick from me!” 

When choosing your shade, make sure it’s one or two shades lighter than your skin tone. Like that, later, when you contour, it all blends together perfectly.