Illustration by Sammy Gecsoyler/ Canva

Huevos rotos

This Spanish egg dish is packed with smoky flavours and can be ready in under 20 minutes

When it comes to choosing a recipe for a series like this, most would probably choose something from ‘home’, wherever that may be. Someone British might choose a roast dinner or full English recipe. Personally, I don’t share many people’s affinity for British cuisine; instead, below is a recipe for huevos rotos, an egg-based dish that’s popular in Spain (with locals and tourists).

Since visiting Spain, my parents have gained a real appreciation of Spanish cuisine. This dish is simple and hearty but makes good use of cured meats that are native to the country.

This recipe serves two people.


150ml olive oil

2 large eggs

50g chorizo, Iberico or Serrano ham, you can use a combination of these

200g potatoes (peeled and cut into slices)


Fry potatoes in olive oil until they’re cooked through. Then drain the oil and dry them with kitchen roll (make sure the oil is covering the potatoes; you’re essentially deep-frying them)

Heat the chorizo in a frying pan with a little bit of olive oil; add the potatoes once the chorizo has been cooking for a couple of minutes

In the same pan, fry the eggs to your liking.

Take off the heat and place the potatoes on a serving dish. Add the chorizo and eggs on top. If you are using Serrano ham, do not cook the ham and instead put on top of the eggs once cooked.

This dish is definitely best eaten with other Spanish dishes, such as tortilla or croquettes.

Huevos Rotos as cooked by Chris. Photo by Chris Wilson