The invented word “Proportionizing” is defined as “the act of using padding on the chest, thighs and bottom and cinching of the waist to create a feminine shape and proportions.” This is done using different materials such as latex, foam or silicone. Yes, we’re talking about tackling hips, curves, boobs and booty. While the hips and curves aren’t a must, you can’t disregard the boobs. So, if we’re talking essentials, let’s keep it to them. You’re going to need a bra, and you’re best off going with a push-up that offers lots of padding. In terms of sizing, try to get the bust measurements of one of your tighter t-shirts and then go one to two sizes down. Alternatively, you can stuff an unpadded bra with silicone, little cushions, mouldable sponges, or anything really. You don’t have to be “padded for the gods”, as RuPaul chants – as long as you have the shape. Just make sure it’s secure and doesn’t fall out when you move!