A drag king’s look is more than just a suit and a beard. It can be time-consuming to perfect. But fear not, you don’t need to raid the men’s section to achieve the right look for you.
GiGi’s got you covered with eight essentials to guide you towards looking the part. Some of these items are so accessible, they may even be lying around in your dad’s swanky wardrobe. Execute all eight, and watch yourself rise to rule the KING-dom. We even brought our very own drag king for that expert analysis. Victor Vendetta, a former drag virgin, who has reached stardom in the Soho area of London for his different drag king personalities. “Dressing up as a drag king gives me that mental freedom. I have so much to show through this persona I perform from,” he says. “That adrenaline going from a girly girl to a man in a three-piece suit eradicates any pressures I face as a female in life. It allows my performative side to flourish, and sometimes, we all need a break from being ourselves. Transforming myself into that mighty king grants me that, and I can guarantee that after these eight fundamentals, GiGi viewers will be enticed to do the same.”
So, let’s get you all kinged up!