Them shades – GIGI’s personal favourite. Glasses are a subjective accessory. Some love it, and some don’t. However, you will need a pair as someone looking to make a name in the drag king world. Shades create that air of mysteriousness, and according to research at Smartvision, they’re found to be more attractive as well. Yes, we know you didn’t come here for a science lesson, but it’s about getting you ready to be that mighty king. Glasses will help block out the high voltage of lights that’ll beam on as you perform. Since you want to offer your best performance, they will help you eliminate any possible distractions. “Wheww… When I had my first performance, I wasn’t ready for how powerful lighting would be. I saw different colours for the first ten seconds. I wish I’d known about shades and their importance,” Victor expresses. We don’t want you guys to make this same mistake.
GiGi recommends square frame sunglasses due to their ability to block out any excess lights, all while giving you that cool factor. Shein offers some suave collections with a reasonable £10 price at that and a 45-day return policy.