
Roast Dinner

 A classic roast chicken recipe that is perfect for everyday of the week not just Sunday! Make this easy oven baked chicken that will satisfy your hunger.

Photo by Tim Douglas from Pexels

Dish Type : Meat Dish

Prep 10 mins

Cooking time 1 h 30 min not including resting time

Serves 4


- 1 white onion, roughly diced
- 3 carrots, chopped
- 10 medium potatoes quartered
- Small bunch of thyme ,sage and rosemary
- 1 whole chicken minus the innards about 1.5kg/3lb 5oz
- 25g butter, softened
- 1 lemon quartered
- 1 Lime quartered
- Salt to taste
- Pepper
- 3 chopper Garlic cloves & 3 whole cloves



Pre heat the oven to 190C/fan 170C/gas 5.


Grab a roasting tray big enough to fit the chicken and throw in all the cut up vegetables, the chopped carrots ,garlic, onion and potato’s. Drizzle some oil over the veggies and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Ensure everything is evenly coated.


Place  the chicken on top of the vegetables and heavily season the cavity of the chicken with salt and pepper. Stuff garlic cloves and lemon quarters along with the bundle of herds in the cavity


Then rub butter all over the front of the chicken focusing on the legs and breast and season to taste.


Once the chicken is ready to go, Place it into the oven and leave for around 1-hour 30mins. After the time is up pierce the thigh to check if the chicken is cooked though, if it runs clear the chicken is cooked and can be taken out if not cook for 10 more mins.


Take the chicken out of the tray and leave to rest for 15mins. Remember to remove the stuffing of citrus and herbs and let the juices run into the tray. As the chicken rests, the vegetables can be taken out.  


Carve the chicken and serve with the vegetables and Enjoy!

 All images, Ⓒ Pexels / Recipe researched and created by Nazifa Miah

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