
MumTok Will Take Care of Your Mess

As TikTok sheds to a search engine, Ann Russell opens about her success on the app, giving advice to Gen Z, as a MumTok star. 

Meet Tiktok star Ann Russell dubbed the Mum of Tiktok with all her straight talking tips trick and advise (image given by Ann Russell)

If social media started as a place to check in on friends and stalk our favourite stars, TikTok is now turning into a search engine like Google, where Gen Z users type in their burning questions and plan their lives based on its creators’ recommendations.  

While the jury is still out on whether this is the best use of platform, this iteration has given rise to a uniquely healthy, cosy type of content: MumTok. Also known as TikTok Aunties, the MumTok trend is led by straight-talking, middle-aged women who draw on their own life experiences to guide younger viewers in need of perhaps a more caring hand. Among them is the ever popular Ann Russell, a self-described ‘middle age English old bag’.  

With 2.3 million followers and 58.4 million likes on her account, Ann is the undisputed queen of MumTok, known for sharing practical advice on her audience’s most pressing problems, directly from her home. The self-employed cleaner, philosophy graduate and mother of four, accidentally found success on the platform during the pandemic, soon becoming a Gen-z favourite.

Last year, Ann even published her first book called ‘How to Clean Everything: A practical, down to earth guide for anyone who doesn’t know where to start’. She even has another one which will be released next month. So how did a woman who seems the antithesis of a TikTok creator become so popular?  

Read more: MumTok Will Take Care of Your Mess

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All images, Ⓒ Ann Russell