Dispatches Features

Can organic food ever be affordable?

It is not a secret anymore. People who have less money tend to eat more industrial food and suffer more diseases than their wealthy counterparts because of it. Organic food shops are popping up more and more around London, but the price tag is unreasonably high and usually, local communities can’t afford to shop there. […]

Dispatches Features

More low-alcohol options must be available to diabetics, says founder of 12% spirit

As we come to the end of national Diabetes Week, we spoke to Mel Sims about her drink Mooze Booze, which at a modest 0.3 alcoholic units, sells itself as a perfect option for diabetics to drink. In 2021, more than 4.9  million people in the UK are now living with diabetes, with 13.6 million […]

Dispatches Features

‘They never called us back’: why big unions struggle to reach migrants

Food production and hospitality sectors are dominated by precariously employed migrant workers, who once seemed to be outside of the reach of large trade unions. Now, they are leading the movement. “When I moved here, I didn’t know anything about trade unions,” says Justyna Kamienska, a representative of GMB, one of the largest trade unions […]

Dispatches Features

The bread subscription box fighting food waste one flatbread at a time

We talk to the business founder who has helped independent British bakeries save 30 tonnes of bread with his company Earth & Wheat. James Eid, 20, isn’t like most university students in that during the pandemic he managed to successfully launch a business that tackles food waste. While working for his family’s business Signature Flatbreads […]

Dispatches Features

Fighting misogyny in the beer industry with Women On Tap festival

Amid the backdrop of Brewdog’s allegations of sexism and harassment, Rachel Auty talks holding breweries accountable, how to educate on sexism and celebrating exceptional women working in the field through online and live events. “It feels like about 20 years ago since we started! Not just four,” laughs Rachel Auty, creator of Women On Tap, […]