Gretel’s Specials Kitchen

Pizza: simplicity is key

Isn’t it mad to think that a simple combination of ingredients on a stretchy bed of dough could be so popular? An average of three billion pizzas are sold in the United States each year! Try our easy as pie recipe below and step back in time to 18th century Naples where pizzas properly came […]

Gretel’s Specials Kitchen

Butternut Squash Carbonara: The dairy-free dream

The saddest thing that no one tells you about your twenties is that it is the prime time to develop Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms, mostly due to the stress that comes with being an adult. So, if you too have found that, that sweet, sweet lactose no longer treats you the same way – or […]

Gretel’s Specials Kitchen

Salmon: all you need is one topping

It feels wrong, doesn’t it? Heresy even. Just brown sugar. That can’t be right. Will Gordon Ramsay explode through the drywall and harass you for crimes against protein? If he does, ask him to take a bite. The venom will melt from his face as he tastes the richest, softest salmon dish made in under […]